The Tower’s history from 1128 to nowadays

In 1318 during the war between Guelphs and Ghibellines the to-wer suffered from considerables damages on the ground by the Ghibellines; in 1321 were made consolidation works and was excavated a ditch to make it more defendable.
The first Lanterna was established in 1326; the oil lamp was feed by olive oil and with regard the analyst Giorgio Stella was writing: "in this year was made a big lanterna on the tower of Capo Faro in a way to, with the switched up oil lamp, in the dark nights, the sailors knew the access to our city".
To better identify the lanterna with our city, in 1340 was painted at the top of the lower tower the emblem of the Genoa’s municipality by the painter Evangelista of Milan. The ancient iconographic representation of the first tower of the lanterna was from 1371 and appears in a pen draw on a parchment cover of the textbook of "Salvatori del Porto" where were registered every spendings for the illumination, for the lanterna’s crystals, for the lamps, for the oil and for the nominations of guardians. In the siege at the Briglia - the stronghold made by the king Luigi XII during the french domination on Genoa, located on the same hill where raised the lanterna’s tower - the tower was hit by the bombard’s bumps shotted by the Genoese insurgents and partially destroyed. For thirty years the beautiful tower remained mutilated and her bright light wasn’t anymore of help for the sailors. Only in 1543 was rebuilt and put in activity at her top a new lanterna built with wooden oak stave and recovered with coppered foil and lead blocked with six hundred coppered nails. Was in that occasion that the tower assumed her final aspect that we can see today. In 1565 the dome was made watertight and in 1681 was rebuilt the dome with wooden wild chestnut to make it waterproofed with fish and oakum and recovered it with lead oil on superposed edges. In 1684 during the Genoa’s bombardment made by the French Admiral Seignelai by order of the king Luigi XVI, a hit centered the dome destroying the whole glass window, that was provisionally rebuilt; in 1696 the glass window was changed with increasing a new class of glasses. In the Portolano handwritten of XVI century of anonymous author we can read "a mile 14 from Peggi (Genoa-Pegli) a city with a really good harbor and at the western part there is a highest lanterna that give signs to the vessels that arrived at her base". In response at the continuous damages caused by the thunders and by the military approaching in 1771, the tower was chained up with bolts and tie-rods that still today are visible at the interior. In 1778 was equipped with lightning conductor that was realized by the physic P.G Sanxsais and in 1791 were made at the first tower’s base, consolidation works to make it more solid.