Letter from the protectors of Saint George to Christopher Columbus

Lettera dei Protettori di San Giorgio a Cristoforo Colombo

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Technique and Dimensions:

Paper register, mm 315 x 230, cc. 142


San Giorgio's Archive, chancery, 2340, cc. 127v-128r.



The State Archives of Genoa preserves the largest Genoese collection of documents relating to Christopher Columbus, almost two hundred according to the list compiled by Aldo Agosto in the publication on the occasion of the Colombian celebrations of 1992. They contain references to the apprenticeship of the explorer and to his relations with the city of origin, before and after the discovery of America. In this letter, the Protectors of the House of San Giorgio respond to the Admiral, congratulating him on the discovery and promising to favour his son Diego for every need. The status of fellow citizen is underlined, pointing out how Columbus demonstrates that he is "fond of his homeland", to which he demonstrates a "unique love and generosity". On the other hand, in his letter of April 1502, the explorer had stated: "although my body is here, my heart is always with you".