Table in Florentine Mosaic

Table in Florentine mosaic

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Technique and Dimensions:

Wood and Florentine Mosaic


Galleria Aurea


The table in the Galleria Aurea is a piece of exceptional value and beauty. It is topped by a magnificent surface in Florentine mosaic, probably of Florentine or Roman craftsmanship. The technically flawless structure features a border of interwoven leaves and an alabaster centre depicting images of fish, birds, snakes and devils. The base of the table, more recent than the top, features four intertwined dolphins, and is attributed to sculptors from the school of Filippo Parodi, the artist who created the gilded wooden sculptures for the wedding of Giovanni Andrea III Doria and Anna Pamphilj (1671), which are now kept in the Villa del Principe museum.