Libri Iurium, Duplicatum

Libri Iurium, Duplicatum

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Technique and Dimensions:

Pergameneous Code, mm 475 x 315, cc. 474


Parchment manuscript , LXXXVI, c. 228v.


XIII secolo

Since 1146 we have news of a registrum Comunis, in which were transcribed the most important documents for the administration, politics and trade of Genoa. The existence of a corpus of documentation of major interest for the Municipality of Genoa is already testified by a consular award in 1146. In a subsequent period, the drafting of other collections is attested, such as the corpus of documentation relating to foreign relations carried out in 1229 thanks to the Bolognese Chief Magistrate Iacopo Baldovini, a jurist. A copy of these oldest compilations, now lost, was made starting from 1253 with the Vetustior register; the drafting of the 9 codes of the Libri Iurium continued until the 17th century. The volumes are large and of particular value, demonstrating the importance that is attached to the collection. Duplicatum, together with Liber A, now preserved by the University Library of Genoa, represents the richest collection. This page transcribes the inscription in gold letters that the Genoese had placed in 1105 on the architrave of the altar of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, listing the privileges received in the Holy Land after the first crusade.