DocSAI is composed by the Art History Library, the Topographic and Cartographic Collection and the Photographic Archive of Genoa Municipality. Three institutes available to anyone wish to know and study Genoa, its history, monuments, society and past events. Photographs, maps, plans, views, ancient and recent volumes: a huge documentary heritage to be explored...
The Documentation Center for History, Art and Image in Genoa (DocSAI) was founded in 2005 to collect in one building all the municipality sources in order to explore the historical memory of the city. This new location allows the visitors a more rational consultation, improves the specialized support and makes it easier to compare the different sources.
The DocSAI is located in the Strada Nuova Museums in a coherent way with the idea of Orlando Grosso: The Art History Library was founded as a bibliographic support for the museum collections. The first part of the Topographic Collection was originally exposed at Palazzo Bianco in 1908 and was a thematic section of the civic collections. The Photographic Archive includes a huge quantity of Genoese cultural heritage documentation until the 90s.