Quiver, arrows, bow, case for bow, mace and amulet, end of 800 (Plains Indians)

Faretra, frecce, arco, astuccio per arco, mazza e amuleto, fine ‘800 (Indiani delle Pianure)

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C.D.A.511/1, 511/1,a,b,c,d,e,f,g, 511/3, 511/2, 511/4, 506


Bequest Cap. E.A.D’Albertis, 1932

Quiver, arrows, bow, case for bow, mace (symbol of value and courage), amulet (represents the spirit of the favorite horse)
Quiver: tanned leather, hard stones, glass countries (point "lazy")
Arrows: decorticated, polished and engraved wooden rod, pens, iron, animal fiber
Arco: dehusked, polished and curved wood, animal fibre, tanned and dyed leather
Bow case: tanned and dyed leather
Mace: dehusked wood, tanned leather, stone, glass countries
Amulet: decorticated, polished and painted wood, horsehair