The second room on the main floor of the home of Captain D’Albertis is the Sala delle Meridiane (Sundials Room), also known as Sala del Camino (Chimney) or Sala Gotica (Gothic Room): Edmondo De Amicis eventually removed any ambiguity, by calling the room the “study of a wanderer pintor of sundials”.
In this room, the Captain designed the sundials that he built all over the world, of which some photographs still exist. Some of the tools he used to build them, which he carried in a trunk that reads “Istrumenti. E. A. D’A. “, are exhibited here, alongside some portable sundials arranged in one of the original boards of the 19th-century museum.
The original furnishings and the tools of the Captain give the room tones of both familiar identity and citizenship, also evoked by the theme of Columbus’s discovery.
Globular marble sundial, the faithful painter Delle Piane at work
Globular marble sundial, the faithful painter Delle Piane at work

Globular marble sundial, the faithful painter Delle Piane at work
Globular marble sundial, the faithful painter Delle Piane at work

Quotidie resurgo - I rise every day
Quotidie resurgo - I rise every day
Quotidie resurgo - I rise every day
Quotidie resurgo - I rise every day
The Globular Marble Sundial
The Globular Marble Sundial

The Globular Marble Sundial
The Globular Marble Sundial

We’re the sphinxes, we’re the fairies...
We’re the sphinxes, we’re the fairies...
We’re the sphinxes, we’re the fairies...
We’re the sphinxes, we’re the fairies...
Sundial "Christopher Columbus"
Sundial "Christopher Columbus"

Sundial "Christopher Columbus"
Sundial "Christopher Columbus"

Globular marble sundial after restoration
Globular marble sundial after restoration

Globular marble sundial after restoration
Globular marble sundial after restoration

Globular marble sundial before restoration
Globular marble sundial before restoration
Globular marble sundial before restoration
Globular marble sundial before restoration
Globular marble sundial - restorer at work
Globular marble sundial - restorer at work

Globular marble sundial - restorer at work
Globular marble sundial - restorer at work