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Pavel Egüez (Quito, 1959)
The El grito de los excluidos mural is the work of the Equadorian master Pavel Egüez. It's creation was possible thanks to funding from Genova Città Europea della Cultura 2004. The mural, executed in collaboration with the ceramicist Guido Garbarino, measures approximately 40 square meters and is subdivided in two opposite panels in an appealing urban style.
The "Cry of the Excluded" is the artistic expression of a campaign which champions the defense of fundamental human rights and protests against all forms of social, economic, and racial exclusion. This campaign extends from Latin America to include all those countries which could be thought of as "excluded," those which still struggle with wind-spread poverty or have been left behind by globalisation.
The mural in Genoa, the first in Europe, places particular thematic focus on the rights of children, who remain the first victims of all forms of exclusion. It is the first link in a "chain" of works of public art already completed in numerous South American cities.